Oh the issues. Sunday night I was on the computer finishing up some work things for Monday and shut it down-business as usual. Yesterday was a crazy day. Painting Demos and Portfolio Reviews in my art classes and a visiting Graphic Designer during lunch. Then I got the dreaded call from the daycare. Little Roo is sick, can you please come get him asap. So, I head there and all the kids are playing out on the playground and he is sitting in side, pale with purple eyes leaning up against Miss Arlene who is reading him a book. With the rough start we had yesterday, I thought he might be coming down with something, but it's hard to tell on a Monday morning when no one wants to get going. So, we went home and he almost immediately fell asleep. Definitely not my Roo. So the hubby and I start discussing what we will do if he is still sick in the morning. It's my turn. Since we've had so much sickness this winter, we decided to take turns unless someone has something that they absolutely cannot miss...like another class (my poor students). The evening is then a little off normal routine, but he still went to bed at a decent hour (10 as opposed to the usual 8, but he slept from 4 to 7). Once the Roo is snug in bed, I come down and start up my computer...no internet. I'm connected, but no internet. Luckily, my phone has then internet, so I start searching for solutions....with no luck.
Today I used my step-daughter's computer to try to help...still nothing. In between that and taking care of the little man, it was a busy exhausting day. He is the kind of sick where nothing makes him happy and if he's not crying, he's whining. Argh. I love the little booger and I feel sorry for him and wish I could make him feel better, but 8 hours of that is enough to drive anyone a little crazy! At least he is pretty good about wiping his own nose. He said something funny about boogers and I should have written it down.
Being a first time Mom, I hate the to Doctor or not to doctor questioning I do to myself. I know certain people whose kids have to be half dead for them to go. I knew that he most likely just had a cold, which is a virus, which you just have to wait out. But....he kept pulling on his ear and crying from time to time and that concerned me. Late this afternoon, we lucked out that the Dr. was slow and that we live so close and we were able to get right in. And, like I thought, it was a virus. So was it good to go? or bad to go? Roo certainly doesn't like it.
So, I get home and the computer is still not working and I've run a full virus scan which comes out clean (whoohoo). I call my neighbor after he and my husband are home from work and the hubby thinks its the best plan of action. So, what I think should be a quick phone discussion turns into a 15 minute phone conversation and then an hour visit by said neighbor to try to figure out my computer. After an hour and he and I trying various fixes, I find a random code in a tech help discussion board that seems do magically do the trick. I still don't understand what exactly was wrong or why, but I am grateful for such a great neighbor!
I've finally got the internet back on my computer, and you finally get a post. I've been a busy bee other than just the usual family stuff. Here are some picks of some Custom Word Blocks I've created for family and friends.