- Easter was a blast. It was great watching Roo search for all of the eggs. Even with the Easter candy, Roo sat through the entire church service. We had yummy food at Mom and Dad's and the kids had a great time looking for eggs. Holidays are always so great when we have all three kids.
- One week closer to the end of the semester which means more free time :)
- Sissy is usually only with us every other weekend and once a week. Lately, well, for almost 3 weeks straight she has been with us. She is a blessing to have here every day and she seems be more like her old self.
- Sissy had Prom yesterday. It was a lot of fun to see her get all beautified and gussied up.

- Terrible Twos-Roo has been crazy and really stretching boundaries. It's hard to be consistent and can be pretty frustrating to deal with the tantrums and the "no". argh.